Christmas Lesson Idea - Christmas Crackers:



Learning Intention: 

We Are Learning To create our own Christmas-themed Christmas crackers. 

Equipment/Materials you will need for this activity:

- Printouts or templates of the Christmas cracker craft 

- Coloured paper 

- Pencil

- Felt pens or crayons to decorate

- Scissors

- Tape 

- Ribbon or string

- Small toys or treats to fill the crackers (e.g., stickers, erasers, bubbles) 

- Optional: Stickers and Washi tape to decorate 

My Teaching Sequence + Instructions:

1. Class Discussion:

- Begin by explaining and showing students what a Christmas Cracker is (having an actual Christmas Cracker would be beneficial as you could pass it around and all students can get a feel of it). 

- Mention how they the Crackers pulled apart by two people during the time of Christmas because they contain a surprise inside. 

2. Demonstration:

- Provide the class with a live demonstration of how to make a Christmas Cracker.  A template or printout of the Christmas cracker craft would be a great start. 

- Briefly go through the instructions on the template, explaining how to cut, fold, and assemble it. Its great to show your students an example that you've already prepared to give them a clear idea of what they need to create.

3. Decorating Phase:

- Give each student some time to decorate their Christmas crackers.

- Provide coloured paper, craft materials, glitter, stickers [etc] for them to design their template with. Encourage your students to be creative with their decorations. 

4. Filling Phase:

 - Call students up individually to help them choose a toy or treat to fill their Christmas Cracker with.

 - Assist students with any folding parts and secure it with tape. 

 - Now tie some ribbon or string at each end of the cracker to secure it.

5. Reflection and Sharing:

 - Have students share their finished Christmas crackers one at a time with the class. Encourage them to discuss about the designs they did!

Here are some Photos of how everyone's amazing Christmas Crackers turned out!  

Links to Resources:

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